Digital advertising revolutionizes the healthcare industry by bridging the gap between high-quality healthcare services and the individuals who need them most. Through targeted campaigns and data-driven insights, it enables healthcare providers to reach a broader audience, delivering crucial information about treatments, preventive measures, and wellness programs directly to consumers’ screens. By leveraging the power of digital platforms, the healthcare industry can effectively communicate its value proposition, driving both awareness and accessibility of essential healthcare services. 

Health-related searches a day
0.01 B+
of all jobs in the USA
-5 %

Automobile advertising

Want to sell more automobiles? Exact’s precise audience targeting means we’ll reach your market’s most likely buyers. With our scientific planning and execution, you will reach a broader audience of prospects who are in the market to buy right now. Our campaigns focus on enhancing your revenue and amplifying your business’s visibility. Best of all, we do all the work and then prove your return on investment with monthly reportingWith Exact, you’ll have the telephone number of a representative dedicated to your account.

of car buyers research online
10 %
of car buyers use multiple devices to research
10 %
of consumers prefer a hybrid model store
10 %

Retail advertising

Exact loves the challenges of retail advertisingWe take time to learn your business’s unique selling proposition and then, using our data resources, find a precise audience that wants what you sellWe can deliver ads on every imaginable platform and only to the audience that’s likely to buy from you.

Best of all, we do all the work and then prove your return on investment with monthly reportingWith Exact, you’ll have the telephone number of a representative dedicated to your account. 

growth from the retail advertising industry in 2023
5 %


Everybody buys insurance. We specialize in reaching those best suited for your agency and the insurance you sell. Exact uses a database that includes insurance buyers in your market—no matter where you are. That means we find prospects right for the insurance you sell—no matter the lineWe will connect you correctly with your target audiences.

No matter what type of insurance you specialize in or what audience you seek, our strategies find the right buyers and deliver your compelling message precisely. Best of all, we do all the work and then prove your return on investment with monthly reportingWith Exact, you’ll have the telephone number of a representative dedicated to your account.

dollars spent on advertsing by insurance agencies in the USA
$ 0.01 B+
of people research online before buying insurance
20 %


Do you need to increase loan volume or gain new depositors?  Is your interest in expanding business with your existing customers, or do you need new ones? Are you in a competitive environment that requires you deliver a compelling message that inspires customers to change banks? 

Exact’s first job is to understand your goals. The rest of that process is identifying your most likely audience, deliver your campaign, and determine what platforms or devices they use the most. When it comes to finding your customer and delivering your message, Exact gets the job done right. 

We also understand the importance of banking regulations. Exact will never launch a campaign without the approval of your regulatory advisors. Best of all, we do all the work and then prove your return on investment with monthly reporting.  The effectiveness of your advertising is never in doubt.  With Exact, you’ll have the telephone number of a representative dedicated to your account. 

people considered switching banks in 2023
15 in 3
of people say fees are their greatest concern
20 %
of people access their bank on their mobile device
5 %
CTR for restaurant ads
1 %


Whether your business is fast or fine dining, Exact makes sure your name is known. 

Promoting your menu, customer service, and atmosphere can attract new customers and keep loyal ones coming back. Utilizing social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, to advertise daily specials, holiday events, and live entertainment can reach a broader audience and increase revenue. Word of mouth is also powerful advertising, so offering incentives for customers who bring in friends can lead to more business. Don’t underestimate the power of investing in your image. 

Best of all, we do all the work and then prove your return on investment with monthly reporting.  The effectiveness of your advertising is never in doubt.  With Exact, you’ll have the telephone number of a representative dedicated to your account. 

of people say social media affects their buying decisions
5 %